Best telescope eyepieces
Best telescope eyepieces

Check this page on Amazon for what they have on zoom eyepieces These guys start in around the mid $50’s and can go higher based on lens quantity and coatings. There are a lot of good quality zoom eyepieces in the typical 40 to 60 FOV and buying a reputable manufacturer is the better idea when shopping for one. Of course, the 68-degree FOV zoom eyepieces are at the higher end. The price range of zoomable telescope eyepieces can range from $15 to $300 depending on the quality and the available features. When jumping to Plossl’s moving up to an 82 degree will give a more significant experience. If you have the wallet for it, moving up to 68 degrees FOV in a zoom eyepiece is better. Also, they have a FOV of around 50 to 55 degrees which is about the same of standard zoomable telescope eyepieces which is 40 to 60 degrees.Īs I touched on earlier about FOV when buying eyepieces the wider the FOV, the better. Compared with a zoomable telescope eyepiece, they are pretty much the same in terms of the quality of the image. Now with high-quality zoom telescope eyepieces, an astronomer would need a medium to a high-end telescope and some years of experience to notice much of any difference.Ī Plossl eyepiece is one of the most decent general-purpose eyepieces that are available on the market.

best telescope eyepieces

This is even more so the case for beginners, just starting with this hobby or those that are using lower quality telescopes. However, this difference between the quality of the image may be small and not even noticed. Zoomable telescope eyepieces can work with different values of focal lengths, but it comes with a price of being optically inferior to a fixed focal length lens. Some zoomable telescope eyepieces also have t-ring threads to connect your camera using a T-ring adapter.ĭo You Lose Quality Over a Normal Eyepiece These features to look for are the degrees of field of view (FOV), eye relief, filter threads to be able to add any filter that you may want to use. When choosing a zoom telescope eyepiece to use, there are other features to look for aside from the focal length range. Its body also comes with graduation markings to let you know how much rotation is needed for every value of focal length. Changing the focal length is done by rotating its body. The zoomable telescope eyepiece usually comes in a bigger tube than other types of eyepieces.

best telescope eyepieces

This means that you can change focal length from 8mm to 24mm. The most common type of zoomable telescope eyepieces available on the market today are the size 8-24mm types. Also, this allows the beginner to get a good feel on how different magnifications and sizes of eyepieces work with their telescope before buying individual eyepieces. Every time you want to increase or decrease magnification, you turn the grip, not hunt and gripe.īecause of this flexibility and convenience of use, beginners should start using this to save money over buying several quality eyepieces.

best telescope eyepieces

Zoom eyepieces are very convenient because there is no need for multiple eyepieces and the need to continually change them. “Zoom” means an eyepiece with an adjustable focal length, and therefore, also adjusting the magnification. However, a set of Plossl’s with a wider field of view, like 68 degrees can quickly outperform a zoom eyepiece. A quality Zoom lens can be an advantage over standard eyepieces. But how do they compare to a set of good Plossl eyepieces?Ī zoom-able eyepiece typically comes in a range of 8mm to 24mm, quickly adjusting for the best magnification. A zoom eyepiece can be a valuable tool for astronomers, especially beginners who like to get the most out of their money. Eyepieces can make or break your enjoyment of using your telescope.

Best telescope eyepieces