Lavado de cerebro religion
Lavado de cerebro religion

lavado de cerebro religion

It also allows future abuse to happen and go unnoticed, basically giving the attacker the green light to continue harming their victim.Ī psychologist chimed in on the AMA and asked about mental health treatment in Scientology. For a survivor of any type of abuse, being told it didn't happen or that it wasn't abuse is hugely damaging and can lead to fewer people coming forward about abuse in the future. "From physical, to sexual, to mental abuse." "The most abusive thing that I've experienced is seeing the victims being further victimized by an organization that claims these things did not take place," she wrote. In an answer to what the worst "corrective action" she ever saw the church take was, Leah alleges that Scientology basically denies abuse of church members ever took place. When a group isn't allowed at all to criticize its leaders, and is punished when it does, you've got a big problem. Anyone who speaks out against the 'church' is seen as an enemy," Leah wrote. "I would say the church's Fair Game policy, and how they systematically go after anyone who publicly speaks out against them. Those recordings used to discredit non-believers are the worst part about the church, Leah said. And, as a Scientologist, you have to confess that you've read outside materials, and that will be met with punishment at your expense." And if they look on the internet, if they read TIME, they will be met with punishment at their expense. So Scientologists are taught that their safest bet is to get their info from the only true decent people. And Scientology is in the business of making people better. The AMA, and APA, and all 'governments' do not give scientology its due because they have a vested interest in not healing people and not helping people. the news, the internet, books, magazines) are ALL LIES and hellbent on destroying something decent like Scientology. Ron Hubbard's 'technology' teaches you that outside sources (i.e. "Very early on in the brainwashing process, L. The church teaches members that any outside sources are lies designed to destroy Scientology by people who don't want others to be happy. Part of the doctrine, she wrote, is that any information that doesn't come from a Scientologist source - like outside books, magazines, newspaper and the internet - is forbidden. Leah revealed that Scientology basically brain washes you to keep you in the religion. Scientologist organizers make it very difficult to leave, even if you want to


As is A&E, as it will be the first network is do a full series about it." But, I think they did an amazing job and they cleared the path for people like me to speak about it. I wish it would have told the story of how Scientologists give their children to the 'Church.' It protects the life source that is continually bolstering the religion. The systematic recruitment of members' children. "I wanted to see more stories about how it affected children. I was shocked how accurate it was for not coming from Scientologists," she wrote. She also said the documentary cleared the way for her and others to speak out against Scientology, something that she said in a different answer can be very scary. That means every time your mind was blown and you were sure what they were saying couldn't be true - it was all real. Leah addressed a question on the HBO documentary Going Clear, calling it extremely accurate.

Lavado de cerebro religion